Thursday, January 10, 2013

Covergirl Blast Flipstick

 I am a BzzAgent ( and recently I was chosen for a Covergirl Blast Flipstick campaign. I got three tubes of the lipstick to try out for free, but I only liked one of the colors so I gave the other two away for others to try. I kept Vixen for myself. What a clever name. ;)

The Good:

The color is super pretty. I like the darker color all by itself, and the effect that layering on the lighter shimmery color gives it is really pretty.

The Bad:

It's dry, and felt gritty on my lips. That feeling got worse the longer it was on. After about a half an hour, I was ready to wipe it off but I wanted to see how it wore. Which turns out, isn't very long. I took the picture on the left right after I applied it, the picture on the left is about an hour and a half later. It didn't make it through lunch and for $8 it should really be more wearable than that.

All in all I give it 1 of 5 stars.

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